Gevvie Stone, Cicely Madden and Hallie Smith qualify their boats for Tokyo

Gevvie and Cicely racing in the final. Photo courtesy of USRowing

In one of the closest races of the regatta, Gevvie Stone and Cicely Madden finished 5th in the A Final of the Women’s Double Sculls at the World Championships in Linz Ottensheim, Austria. Just 0.64 seconds off the podium, and 2.69 behind the winners from New Zealand, Gevvie and Cicely took the lead in the second 500 meters of the race, and were in second going into the last 500 meters. While landing off the podium was a disappointment, they accomplished their primary mission–qualifying the boat for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. In addition, this was the highest finish for a US Women’s Double in an Olympic Qualifying year since 1987, when Anne Marden and Barbara Kirch finished third. All in all, a great regatta for a first year combination, after beating the six-time incumbent US double at trials. We can’t wait to see what year two brings for these two!

Hallie after the final. Photo courtesy of USRowing.

Hallie Smith finished 6th in the A-Final of the PR1 Women’s Single Sculls, and like Stone and Madden qualified the the boat for the Tokyo Paralympic Games. With seven spots on the line, advancing to the A-final would secure the spot for the USA, and Hallie delivered with a third-place finish in her semifinal. With her first year in Boston now under her belt, we look forward to seeing Hallie excel in the upcoming year.

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